The Blackbird Open was held at Generations Skeet Club near Patton, Penn., on May 6. Seventeen shooters participated in the 20-gauge event in the morning, and 15 shot the 12-gauge in the afternoon. Pat Leyo posted a 198, the high total score for the day. It was cool, overcast and rainy all day long, but not windy. (Some folks think it is always windy at Generations – not true!)
Leyo won the 20-gauge event with a nice 99. Class winners included Tim Vescovi (AA-97), Tom Shields (A-97), George Gleich (B-96), Bryan Long (C-91) and Joe McGarvey (D-86).
Scott Grossett ran them in the 12 gauge and was a bit damp, but outright champion. Class firsts went to Tim Vescovi (98), Leyo (99, with a shoot-off with Joe Vescovi), Mark Postlewait (95, with a nice 5-station shoot-off with Shields), McGarvey (95) and Long (92), AA, A, B, C and E, respectively.
It was a day of firsts: Scott Grossett shot his first ever registered 100 straight, Tim Vescovi ran his first registered 25 and 50 straights and was AA-1 in both guns in his first registered shoot, and Vance McLaughlin booked his first registered 25 straight. Scott’s and Vance’s hats were vented, but Tim left early, so his hat will be addressed later.
Thanks to Katie Eberhart for running the desk and Michael Vescovi for serving as chief referee. Young, non-shooting referees included Adam Bobak and Jake Beebe – good job! Thanks also to Pat Leyo for bringing many delicious doughnuts and Scott Grossett for a steaming pot of homemade pheasant chili; perhaps the way to win the shoot is to bring food?
– Contributed by George Gleich
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