The Blackbird Open was held at Generations Skeet Club (PA) on May 5. Thirty-four shooters participated in this two-gun event, 12-gauge in the morning and 20-gauge in the afternoon. The shooters on the first flight got very wet, but then the weather broke and remained overcast but pleasant with a bit of sun peeking in here and there.

Chris Kline took HOA Champion honors with a perfect 200; de ja vu, he did the same thing at last year’s Blackbird! Pat Leyo posted a 197 to take HOA runner-up.
Kline’s 100-straight made him the 12-Gauge Champion, but not until he won a shoot-off of 100-straights with Pat Leyo. Class winners in the 12 included Leyo (AA-100), Bryson Fox (A-99), Tim Vescovi (B-96), Scott Hazlett (C-97), John Welch (D-92) and Jack Petrosky (E-87). Some nice shooting there, folks!
Kline was outright 20-Gauge Champion with his second 100-straight of the day. Class firsts went to Carl Biddle (98), Tim Vescovi (95), Brandon Holtz (96), Jack Makdad (95) and Jack Petrosky (90), AA, A, B, C and D, respectively.
Thanks to Ryan Holtz and Bill Calvert for running the desk. Kudos to Renee Calvert, Andrea and Jackie McMullen and Alex Farrell who refereed. Thanks also to Pat Leyo for doughnuts, to Joe McGarvey for homemade beef vegetable soup, and to Renee Calvert for chocolate chip cookies.
Generations’ upcoming shoots for 2024 include the Firebird 500 (July 19-21) and the 10th annual Couples Shoot (September 1).
– Contributed By George Gleich