The 15th annual Clayton Snow Memorial was held at Meadville Sportsman’s Club (PA) on May 18. Clayton Snow was a long-time member and supporter of this club and was especially interested in encouraging young people to learn to shoot. Sadly, Clayton’s widow Kathleen passed away in September 2023, at the age of 94. Kathleen, the Snow family matriarch, attended and was a staunch supporter of the memorial shoots over the years.

The weather was great, despite forecasts all week calling for rain. It was warm and partly sunny most of the day, with light winds and a few white puffy clouds. Twenty shooters (a full slate) participated in this 200-bird, 20- and 28-gauge shoot. The high total score of the day (193) was turned in by Dan Berry; Evan Martin’s 192 was good for HOA runner-up.
The shoot began with the 20-gauge event in the morning. Kody Hoth shot a 99 and was 20-gauge Champion; Jeff Ventry was runner-up with a 98. Class champions included Chris Dole (AA), Martin (A, after winning a shoot-off of 96’s with Tom Shields), Scott Daniels (B, after winning a shoot-off of 97’s with Berry and Joe Fisher), Trevor Hanna (C) and George Gleich (D).
The 28-gauge event took place after lunch. Martin was gun champ after he, Berry (runner-up) and Dave Wilke (A1) shot off their 96s. Other class firsts were Hoth (AA, after he won a shoot-off of 93s with Ventry), Jeff Riddle (B) and Gleich (D, after winning a shoot-off of 81’s with John Tucker).
Samuel Marks handled registration and score posting. Samuel’s dad Sam, Keith and Dale Snow and Mark Johnson pulled and scored. Beckie Snow and her sister Kay oversaw the food: fried chicken, potato and macaroni salad, cupcakes and cookies, yum!
Extra special thanks go to the Snow family for sponsoring this shoot by providing money and locally produced maple syrup as prizes to the gun and overall champs. Snow family members attending the shoot included Clayton’s sons Dale and Keith, Keith’s wife Beckie, and Kay Doctor, Clayton’s daughter. Kay’s sons, Calvin and Blake Doctor made the syrup.
– Contributed by George Gleich